There is another blog coming about my love-hate relationship with my phone, especially when dating someone. I'll probably post it this weekend in between sleeping
(I don't know WHY I go to Clifton to catch up on sleep. Biker Boy snores, and Fink insists on grooming me periodically throughout the night. Plus I have to wake up BALLS early to catch my train. There is NEVER enough sleep for me there but at least I get my third of a king size bed.), reorganizing my house and pulling my AC out of my bedroom window.
Oh, and one of my ex's and I have started talking again. *waves* Since I know you are bored and probably reading this.
Anyhow... Onto our topic of the day which is "Apparently I need to re-write my profile". How do I know I need to do this?????
Asimtold (<--- I knew I should have deleted the message without reading it as SOON as I saw the name)"In search of a strong Woman to serve"
(Saw it AFTER I read the message)Hello,i am here in search of finding a strong,demanding,strict Dominate Woman to allow me the opportunity to serve Her.i have always been a dominate man until recently.After i was put in my place by a Dominate Woman,i have since realized i have a desire to be owned and do what it takes to make the Woman that owns me happy and pleased.
Although that includes sex,if She so wishes it,this is NOT a sexual role playing situation i am in search of.i also would like for it to be long term as well.But with both of those scenarios being mentioned,i will settle for the role playing and/or short term.i am new to this,so i'll take what is presented to me to better myself as a slave.
This would be a 24/7 "on call" situation for You.Meaning,if You text/call me at 2am for a massage,i'm on my way;6pm and You just got done a frustrating day and You want to release Your stress out (however You feel the need to achieve that),i'm on my way.Of course,this is all within a few limitations that i have and will be more than happy to go over with anyone interested.
Thank You for time You gave up to read this.
***To those that frown upon this lifestyle and/or "look down" to those that partake in this lifestyle,I ask you to open your mind and not to let society dictate what should be considered "normal".As long as everyone is enjoying what is happening and no one gets hurt in the process {unless it is desire and/or acceptable by the one being hurt-;-)},what is the harm?Just because it doesn't seem right to you doesn't make it "wrong" or "Weird",etc.,
(WHY the FUCK can't people put spaces after punctuation? That annoys me! Yeah, I know. there is a long list of shit that annoys me and I'm short of sleep)So here is the message:
Subject: Could i interest You in................
owning me?Please read my profile and consider me for Your use as You see fit.i am in search of a demanding,strict,and Dominate Woman to worship,cater to,and serve as She wishes.Thank You for Your time.
daveAnd now we get into my beef of the day. This is a very good looking guy, and I am very tempted to respond JUST so I can kick him in the face with a pair of steel tip boots. Literally. There are sites aimed at Doms/Subs so WHY THE HELL ARE YOU BOTHERING ME ON A DATING SITE!?!?!?!?!?!? My profile specifically says:
I own my own home, I work a damn good job, I pay all my bills on time, I don't expect sh*t from anyone else and I am not the type to put up with dishonesty or games. We are all adults here, but I am still endlessly amazed with the way people act sometimes. I have no desire to be with someone who "needs" me in order to be happy with their life. I want someone who considers me the "icing on the cake of their life", compliments my personality and I would like someone in my life who is an equal. Someone that will be there when it all goes to hell, but also is willing to stand up to me if I cop an attitude. Where in there does it say that I want a submissive/slave/servant/french maid????? Did I miss something? WTF!?! Better yet I give full disclosure that I am really not interested in fetish stuff
(wait... well... not in terms of finding it with a stranger on a dating site. I much prefer to hash out all of that stuff AFTER I make sure dude isn't a raving psycho-twinkie):
I really don't care about your fetishes or whatever and I especially don't want a detailed description of them before you bother to tell me your name. I have gotten some ****ED up messages on here and to be honest, most of them end up on my blog, which currently tends to look like the worst of the worst in internet dating. I'm thinking of adding some of the really cool and really nice (normal) messages I get too. They tend to be few and far between though.Its 10:30 and I already have a headache...