I'm sure anyone who knows me well remembers the awesomeness that occurred on my birthday. For those who don't know, I was dumped ON my birthday. Although I am no longer sure I was "officially" dumped, as looking back in public I was always referred to as his "FRIEND". In private, I was just a possession (Yes... I know, that SHOULD have been a warning sign but I am not always the brightest crayon when blinded by rainbows.). Regardless of whether I was actually his girlfriend, the bullshit that went down on my birthday was uncalled for. There are certain undisputed facts of this incident:
- The day I met up with him in NYC to come back to my house, he was incredibly rude to my best friend (ding. ding. ding! Warning sign right there...)
- The next day, when my best friend was supposed to bring my car back, this jackass demanded that my best friend bring him iced tea. His reasoning? If my best friend was at MY beck and call, then my best friend needed to be at his beck and call. (ARE!YOU!FUCKING!SHITTING!ME?!? No... My best friend isn't your slave, fucktard. He is my best friend and we do stuff for each other. He wakes me up at ridiculous hours because he is awake then he brings me coffee. I try not to kill him for doing so. It's even.)
- He chose to go see his cousin's instead of going to my birthday party, because god-forbid.... I was a fucking BARTENDER and the party was being held at my bar! (According to him, everyone who hangs out at bars, and especially those who drink, are bad people. Maybe, JUST MAYBE, if this guy did more that lock himself in this weird world where he had to adhere to a bunch of ridiculous, nonsensical ruleshe would be a lot happier in his life.)
- The day of my birthday, I received a phone call at the time he was SUPPOSED to be getting back to my house saying I HAVE to go pick him up in Willow Grove because none of the trains in Philadelphia were running (Ok... I am stupid, but I am not RETARDED! Philadelphia is a MAJOR transit hub. Short of a major tragedy at 30th Street, ok a TERRORIST ATTACK, they will not shut down all of the trains on a crystal clear fall day. I spoke to a friend shortly there after and her BF kindly checked SEPTA's website. Guess what was running?). When I called him out on this, he became completely enraged. How dare I question him??? I lost my shit at this point and flat out REFUSED to drive what would be damn near an hour each way to go pick him up (I have since realized he just didn't want to take public trans, and since I was nothing more than a servant to him, I had to drop everything to get him. It didn't matter than it may screw up my birthday.).
- Everything when he came back to my house is fuzzy. I was finally asleep after staying up all night and walking to get my car when he came in. He started bitching at me as I faded in and out of of sleep, then he left. I believe there may have been an email afterwards telling me I was a horrible person, but I was done at that time so I deleted it.
Then I received this...
to me
Hello M....Thought i would say hello and hope that you are well.
I would like to tell you that you are welcome to come back to antigua again and stay would love to see you again.
I believe that you are less stressed out when you are here and i really had such a great time when we were together here in antigua.
Let me know how you are.
(Wait... So you fucked up my birthday because your idea of dealing with a problem is WALKING AWAY FROM IT!?! Now you want everything forgiven and I am welcome to come stay with you again?)
to S****
Hey S****,
I've been well. Working at least 6 days a week between the kids and the bar. At some point I'm going to switch bars and go to one of the strip clubs in philly. The money isn't there at a****e anymore and if I work at risque I can have the kids full time too. The extra money would definitely make my life easier. But I haven't made a decision yet.
How have you been? Thank you for the invite. It's going to be a while before I can travel again. I'm going to Texas a couple times in the next few months and to Mexico so the travel fund is seriously depleted.
(This was my blow off reply)
to me
Hello M....Hope things are getting better for you ....i must say i really miss you and would love to see ya again....Can you let me know if you would come back to Antigua if i got you a ticket? Really loved the time we spent together here and i had soooo much fun with you ...Let me know if you need a break ok...Thinking of you alot...Love S*****e
(So let me get this right, you bounced on me. You fucked up my birthday. You treated me like SHIT for the 4 months we were together. THEN you have the fucking sack to tell me how much you miss me, you were thinking of me and you DARED to sign it LOVE?!? You wouldn't know what love was if it bit you in the fucking ass! After my shreak of rage, my mother asked me what happened. Shortly thereafter, my brother sat me down and we had a discussion about the idea of a Japanese Inspection...
- "If you two wanna turn yourselves into a greasy spot on a country road somewhere, go right ahead. I don't give a shit and I don't think anybody else does, regardless what they say to your face. But you two monkeys are not going to do it on my racetrack. Now y'all heard of a "Japanese Inspection?" Japanese Inpsection, you see, when the Japs get in a load of lettuce they're not sure they wanna let in the country, why they'll just let it sit there on the dock 'til they get good and ready to look at. But then of course, it's all gone rotten... ain't nothing left to inspect. You see, lettuce is a perishable item... like you two monkeys. You trade paint one more time, you so much as touch, I'm gonna Black Flag the two of you, and take apart your racecars for three-hundred laps. Then, if you pass inspection and you put your cars back together, I might let you back into the race. Now, just to show there's no hard feelings we're all gonna go out to dinner together." (Days of Thunder)
to me
Hello M...did you get my last email ...? are you ok.
I want you to come back to antigua baby...
(Please keep in mind the subject of this email was "Haven't hurd from you". I cringed at the spelling.)
to S****
I got your last email while I was in Texas. I have been dealing with 2 major family emergencies and a collapsed ceiling so traveling is not on my list of things that I'm thinking about at the moment. I start my new job in a week and I won't be able to take any time off.
(At this point, I wrote up a stock email and sent it to a friend of mine on the off chance I received another email from this douche bag)
4:10 PM (20 hours ago)
to me
Hello M ....been thinking about you...i am coming to NYC soon and wanted to know if you wanted to see me. I miss you alot and am always thinking about ya...let me knnow if you wanna hook up baby....love S*****e
This most likely will be my reply:
Dear S***t,
Perhaps you should have considered how I would react to further email invitations to come see you and especially professions of your affections, before you:
- Treated my friends like shit,
- Refused to come to my birthday party because it was god forbid at a bar and restaurant
- had the gall to ruin my birthday by expecting me to come bail you out and being nasty to me when I wouldn't. You lied to me about the trains not running, and then when I called you out on it suddenly the story changed and I was crazy and you meant ONE of the trains wasn't running. The appropriate thing for you to have done was to have your cousin drive you to 30th Street Station rather than you demanding I drive at least two hours having not slept to come pick you up, and then getting mad when I wouldn't.
- And then, considered me a "problem" which you chose to walk away from.
I have no desire to continue receiving emails from you, especially when they are professing you affections for me and how much you miss me. They are insulting and inconsiderate. I have chosen to move on with my life.
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